

第1回動的エキシトン 女性研究者セミナー

2022年3月31日(木) 16:30~18:00 ハイブリッド形式開催 (京都大学桂キャンパス+Zoom)      


聴講を希望する方はこちらよりお申込みください。Zoomアドレスをお知らせいたします。                        https://forms.gle/ojghbjPXCHpewjkf9

講演者 小田 玲子 (ボルドー大学 / フランス国立科学研究所(CNRS)常勤研究員)        http://www.iecb.u-bordeaux.fr/index.php/en/equipes/40-morphologies-dynamics-a-functions-of-assemblies-of-amphiphiles        

題目 :Multi-step chirality transfer from molecules to molecular assemblies, organic to inorganic materials, then to functional nanomaterials 
内容 :Nanometric helices with controllable pitches are attractive not only to mimic nature, but also for the wide range of applications in materials sciences, chemical and biomaterial sensing, and enantioselective catalysis. In this talk, I discuss how such structures can then be used as scaffold to obtain hybrid organic/inorganic nanohelices, which can then be used as chiral platform to 1) organize chirally achiral nanoparticles or dyes then to 2) perform in-situ synthesis of nanometric helical metals/quantumdots/cyristals and induce chiroptical signals from them. Finally, such functionalized chiral nano structures show interaction with Intrinsically chiral or pro-chiral molecules, possibly giving access to enantioselective sensors.